It is my goal and desire to continue to grow this site as much as possible. As I acquire new items I want to share them with you. I have had much luck over the years in acquiring the rare items that you are able to see here on this site. With your help I can have even greater success. There are two ways you can help.

Firstly, if any of you have an item you have not seen on this site and would be willing to let me borrow, I can do high resolution scans of the item with my professional scanning equipment and get it on the site. Your item will be returned in perfect shape. Many of the items that are up on this site have been loaned to me for this purpose. I am totally trustworthy in this respect as those I have dealt with in the past will testify to. I will cover all shipping costs. If you would like your name to appear with the item I will do that as well, or if you would rather remain anonymous that is ok too. Your sharing is a wonderful way you can help.

The second way you can help is by your prayers, good thoughts, love and strong desire to see me succeed in this project. The power of a single mind to change the world is real. One person can make a difference. Each of you adding your desire to my own is certain to bring success. I have seen the power of intent work wonders. Together we can create a kind of magnetic mental attraction that will bring all the rare and interesting Dorothy items and people still out there to us.
Miracles are real, together we can prove this.
Thank you all.
Webmaster Steve
Hello to all Dorothy fans and all fans of this site. I would like to make a special appeal to you on this page.
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