DSW: I'm holding a copy of the book Picture Shows the life and films of Peter Bogdanovich by Andrew Yule and I'm reading off of page 142 and there's a short paragraph in here and it says basically, 'The next time that Hinton met Stratten was on Galaxina's first day of shooting, since the costumes were late in arriving Stratten was first presented with her proposed outfit on the set. The skirt was cut so short that her buttocks showed. "I'm not wearing this", she quietly protested. Another less revealing costume was quickly substituted.' Now what really happened at that time?

SACHS: (Laughing a lot……) We had wanted her to wear some sort of space suit so they made this costume out of like, rubber, and it was from her feet to her neck, it was supposed to look unusual, in the drawings it was beautiful, they were making it and it was like day and night and chaos and doing it over and over and she appeared to shoot that day and they came with this costume and she put it on and it looked like a frogman, it was a combination of a deep sea diving suit and a frogman and we all said, "she can't wear this!" She only wears two things in the movie, the French maid outfit which is maybe what he is trying to tie it in to, and the full body suit almost all the time which was originally only supposed to be for one or two scenes and she was going to wear this spacey space outfit that ended up looking like a frog suit most of the time, but that's what happened. I know nothing about a skimpy thing that showed her buttocks and actually we couldn't have done that because of the contract with Playboy, so that's totally, totally full of crap. (Laughing) It was the opposite, it was too much clothes rather than too little.

DSW: There was the one other outfit she wore when she got her voice after she totally remodified herself, she wore that kind of white negligee, and she came in and confronted Thor when he was doing his little rowing stuff, that was a very nice outfit actually.

SACHS: Those are it, we had no other skimpy costumes made, it was just that funny one, "too much" covering.

DSW: It was basically just fabrication on the part of the book.

SACHS: Totally, it's crazy and if he's talking about the French maid one or that other one they're in the movie you can look at them, we had no other's made, that was it. You know it's funny that Bogdanovich and this other guy, whoever, try to say that we were trying to sneak nudity into it. If we wanted to do nudity we would have done it. We didn't want to, that's not the kind of movie it was, it was a spoof on Sci-Fi movies, it was a spoof on Star Wars. There's no nudity in Star Wars. It's totally ridiculous, these sick minds that are trying to put something somewhere that's in their mind and not in anybody else's.

SACHS: Back to these Frogman costumes, it was a major disaster actually. When she arrived that day, they had been working days on these costumes to get them right, and they never got them right. She arrived for the first day of shooting and the wardrobe didn't arrive. We had no other wardrobe there, here we have to shoot the movie and there's no wardrobe for her. Three or four hours later they came with this ridiculous Frogman suit. It was like a big deal because we had no wardrobe and the crew was sitting around the first day of shooting, it was a little bit of a disaster. When they arrived they put this thing on her and it was hideous. And what she wore there had established her for a big part of the movie so I wouldn't agree to that, she wouldn't wear it, I wouldn't let her wear it, the wardrobe people didn't want her to wear it, it was hysterical, if it wasn't a disaster it would have been funny. So I just said put that other thing on that she wears now in most of the movie, which worked out because it looks great, actually you can see a similar thing in Star Trek with the Borg, what's her name?

DSW: Oh yeah, Seven of Nine, Jeri Ryan. They have her in the exact same thing, it's a good effect (laughs).

SACHS: You see there's even a hint of it in Notting Hill. A hint of Dorothy. When she's in this space movie she has the kind of look of Galaxina. I got so many phone calls when that movie came out, "Hey they copied Galaxina!" And I watched to see where they copied it but I guess that's it. Anyways, that was like an extra thing for one scene that we ended up making her wear for most of the movie because of the frog suit that he said was a skimpy skirt. [end]

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